Saturday, September 7, 2013

Factory Worker Awarded 4.5 Years of Future WC Benefits

Workers' Compensation Attorney, Mark R. Schmidt, settled the claim of a 27 year old factory worker, who suffered injuries to his lower back in the course of his job in May, 2010.  After first winning a Claim Petition to obtain lost wages and payment of medical bills, Attorney Schmidt then fought the Insurance Company a second time when they tried to modify the injured worker's benefits.  The insurance company argued he was capable of light duty work based on a document called a Labor Market Survey. During the course of that second round of litigation, a settlement was reached, paying the injured worker 4.5 years of future workers compensation benefits - in addition to those benefits already paid over the past 3 years.  Of note, the injured worker is Hispanic, and speaks no English.  The law offices of Schmidt, Kirifides and Fridkin have several staff fluent in Spanish, to enable effective communication concerning such cases at all times.

If you have been injured at work, you need the advice and experience of a dedicated Work Injury lawyer.  For a free consultation, call the Workers' compensation lawyers at Schmidt, Kirifides and Fridkin at 1-877-268-6466 or contact us online at for a FREE consultation.

Friday, September 6, 2013


The General Assembly of Pennsylvania has proposed SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act. The House of Representatives will soon vote on House Bill 1636. In summary, employers will be permitted to designate a "coordinated care organization" which would be the ONLY medical personnel authorized to provide treatment to an injured worker "for the duration of the injury". In other words, an injured worker will not have the right to choose their own doctor at any point during the life of their claim/injury. Even where surgery may be required, the injured workers rights are drastically limited. Text of relevant portion below:
"Provided, however, That an employer may also establish a list of one or more designated coordinated care organizations for treatment of employees, and if such list is established, the employe shall only treat with a provider or providers who are participants in one of those organizations for the duration of the injury;"  For full text, click HERE.

This is not just a "bad law," it will undoubtedly lead to "bad medicine," as these doctors will be beholden to insurance companies in order to maintain their status on the coordinated care organization list, at the extreme risk to patients' health, and removes all freedom of choice in regard to ones own medical care. This will become the LAW OF PENNSYLVANIA unless you make your voice known!

CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY tell them to vote "NO" on HB 1636.  If you are unsure who your Representative is, click HERE to find out or contact Schmidt, Kirifides & Fridkin.