Thursday, June 28, 2012

You need a Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Lawyer on Your Side
While the Workers’ Compensation system sounds fair in theory, recent years have unfortunately seen employers and insurers, rather than workers, benefiting from the relevant laws. In fact, a September 2006 report by a consumer rights group indicates that injured workers often have to contend with “adversarial bureaucracy and inadequate benefits under state Workers’ Compensation systems.” The report, entitled “Workers’ Compensation – A Cautionary Tale,” calls the U.S. Workman’s Compensation system a “colossal failure.” According to the report’s author, “Workers’ Compensation is an unfortunate example of how a seemingly fair program can be manipulated by political forces into a nightmare for those it was originally meant to help.”

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Litigation Is Complex

It is no wonder, then, that Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor & Industry suggests that injured workers hire a Workers’ Compensation attorney to help them navigate through the system. You should be aware that Workers’ Compensation litigation is complex, and your employer or your employer’s insurance carrier will be represented by an experienced attorney.
One example of when the advice of an experienced Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation lawyer is crucial is if the claimant needs vocational rehabilitation. Sometimes an injured individual can eventually return to his or her previous job. But, if an injury creates permanent disability or long-term limitations on the worker, retraining for a different type of job may be necessary. Benefits for vocational rehabilitation vary from state to state, and require a coordination of resources from the state, the employer, or its worker’s compensation insurance carrier. Depending upon the law of your state, your employer, its Workers’ Compensation insurer, the state, or some combination of these three sources may be required to pay for vocational rehabilitation services as part of your Workers’ Compensation benefits. If you have questions about your Workers' Comp claim, send an email to or call us today 610.892.9300.

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